Cocoa, chocolate, sugar and sweets have been produced for centuries and are among the most eaten foods in the world. Within the product range we see classics as well as new products with different shapes, flavors, fragrances, colors and packaging. Eurofins helps you to monitor the quality and safety of the products and to demonstrate the correct content of sugars and carbohydrates. Our Competence Center in Heerenveen specializes in carbon hydrates and can, for example, help with advice on implementation in production.
The requirements for cocoa, chocolate, sugar and confectionery are laid down in the Sugar and Cacao and Chocolate Commodities Acts, among other things. In addition, microbiological requirements have been laid down in Regulation EC 2073/2005, chemical requirements in Regulation EC 1881/2006 and labelling requirements in Regulation EC 1169/2011.
Eurofins has extensive experience in the field of analyses in cocoa, chocolate, sugar and confectionery. For example, we can carry out authenticity tests on honey, determine the nutritional values or coloring agents. We also work with the analyses that fall under the ICUMSA methods.
These analyses occur in Sugars and sweeteners
- Zware metalen
- Allergenen (DNA)
- Microscopische controle
- Species bepaling (DNA)
- Aeroob kiemgetal
- Anaeroob kiemgetal
- Bacillus Cereus
- Enterobacteriaceae
- Gisten
- Listeria monocytogenes
- Salmonella
- Gisten en schimmels
- Staphylococcus aureus
- Challengetesten
- Asgehalte
- Onzuiverheden
- Zearalenon
- T-2 toxine
- Suikerprofiel
- Droge stof
- Organoleptisch onderzoek
- Aflatoxine B1, B2, G1, G2
- Antioxidanten
- Conserveringsmiddelen onderzoek
- Deoxynivalenol
- Dioxine
- Fumonisine
- HT-2 toxine
- Illegale kleurstoffen
- Mineralen
- Mycotoxines
- Ochratoxine A
- Pesticiden
- Suiker
Do you have a general question? Feel free to call or email us.
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sales-food-nl@ftbnl.eurofins.comContact details Belgium
Call us
BE: +32 (0)50 45 00 60